Traci Lang Intimates

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  1. The first thing to remember during your session is that ALL bodies are boudoir bodies! You are not going to look like anyone else, because YOU are YOU.  With that being said comes the first hack, Don’t compare yourself to ANYONE or ANY BODY

  2. Be present in the moment, not perfect. Listen no one expects you to know how to pose your body, or even what to do with your face..that’s why you hired me. It’s okay to be a little nervous, many of my clients are, but you will see as the shoot progresses, you will be able to do the damn thing

  3. Be open to new ideas. Often your photographer will see things completely different than you do. So a pose or an angle or even an outfit that you would have thought “no way” can end up photographing absolutely beautifully. 

  4. Remember your reason for doing your session. There was something that built up inside you that gave you the courage to book this session in the first place. When there is that little voice in your head giving you any doubt, crush it down and remember why you booked this session in the first place.

  5. In the weeks leading up to your session, look yourself in the mirror and get comfortable with telling yourself positive affirmations about yourself and your body